
The accommodation is restricted to government officers only. Only those members who have registered for the 83rd Annual Session of the IRC event can register for accommodation.

Please select your designation
# Designation For Self For Spouse
Secretaries/Engineers-in-Chief ₹ 10,000.00 ₹ 3,500.00
Chief Engineers/ Addl. C.Es ₹ 9,500.00 ₹ 3,500.00
Faculty member from lIT/NIT/State & Private Colleges : Professor Associate Assistant Professor or Scientist ₹ 9,500.00 ₹ 3,500.00
Superintending Engineers ₹ 8,500.00 ₹ 3,500.00
Executive Engineers ₹ 7,000.00 ₹ 3,000.00
AEEs/Asst. Engineers/J.Es ₹ 6,000.00 ₹ 3,000.00
Single Delegates of DE/JE category availing common sharing facility ₹ 500.00 ₹ 0.00
Delegates from foreign countries $ 250.00 $ 125.00

Note: provide the details of your spouse if they are accompanying you. If not, you may skip this section.

Arrival Details
Departure Details

Tour package